
    Most data within a game is stored in components. Components are just plain objects!


    A schema is an object that defines the structure of a component. Component structure is expressed using a minimal syntax with only a few rules:

    1. an object {} represents a struct – an object with fixed keys
    2. structs are composed of members called fields
    3. a field may be a nested struct, a primitive data type, or a complex data type

    Below is an example of a simple vector schema comprised of two primitive fields:

    import { number } from "@javelin/ecs"
    const Position = {
      x: number,
      y: number,

    Schema may express components ranging from flat structures with few (or no) properties, to complex objects containing deeply nested structures, like the one found in the example below:

    import { number, arrayOf } from "@javelin/ecs"
    const Inventory = {
      bags: arrayOf({ items: arrayOf(number) }),

    A schema is used to initialize component instances and reset them when they are detached from an entity.

    Javelin currently supports the following data types:

    TypeHelperDefault Value
    SetsetOf(field)new Set
    MapmapOf(field)new Map

    Javelin will automatically assign schemas it encounters for the first time with a unique integer id. If you need to assign a specific id to a schema (e.g., you're synchronizing your component model in a multiplayer game), you can register the schema manually using registerSchema:

    import { registerSchema } from "@javelin/ecs"
    registerSchema(Position, 4)

    Creating Components#

    Components are created using the component function.

    import { component } from "@javelin/ecs"
    const position = component(Position)

    Components created using component are automatically pooled. By default, the pool will initialize 10^3 components for use, and will grow by the same amount when the pool shinks to zero. This may not be ideal for singleton or low-volume components. You may specify the pool size for a single schema when registering the it with registerSchema:

    registerSchema(Position, 4, 10000)

    External Objects#

    You can instruct Javelin to treat a third-pary library object as a component using the toComponent method. Simply call toComponent with the object and the component schema you want to classify it with:

    world.attach(entity, toComponent(new Three.Mesh(), Mesh))

    toComponent does not create a new object, so referential integrity is maintained. There are no restrictions on the types of objects that can be used as components: they can even be sealed or frozen! External components are not pooled.