
    A system is simply a function executed during each world step. All game logic should live within systems.

    Game Logic#

    Each system should implement some subset of your game's logic. Ideally a system manages a small number of concerns. There is minimal performance overhead to having multiple small systems versus monolithic ones, and smaller systems are easier to read, test, and maintain.

    Below is an example set of systems that could be found in a top-down ARPG.

    enemyAIEnemy AI logic
    companionAICompanion AI logic
    inputSample mouse/keyboard input
    combatTransform controller input to combat actions
    movementTransform controller input to movement actions
    physicsApply forces and step physics simulation
    pickupsDetect collisions with items and update player inventory
    renderRender game
    renderUIRender user interface

    Registering a System#

    A system is a void function that accepts a World instance as its only parameter:

    const enemyAI = (world: World) => {}

    Systems are registered with the world via the options passed to createWorld, or the world.addSystem method.

    const physics = () => ...
    const render = () => ...
    const world = createWorld({ systems: [physics] })

    Systems have a signature of (world: World) => void, where the only argument is the world that's currently mid-step. The world.step() method executes systems in the same order in which they were registered.

    world.step accepts a single argument, tickData, which will be assigned to world.latestTickData at the beginning of each step. To demonstrate, the following is a world that logs the time elapsed since the last step, 60 times per second:

    const world = createWorld<number>()
    world.addSystem(world => console.log(world.latestTickData))
    let t1: number
    setInterval(() => {
      const t2 =
      world.step(t2 - (t1 ?? t2))
      t1 = t2
    }, (1 / 60) * 1000)
    > 16.66666666
    > 16.66666666
    > 16.66666666

    Querying and Iteration#

    Systems query iterable lists of entities and modify them to produce the next game state. These lists are called queries.

    Depending on its component makeup, an entity may be eligible for iteration by a system during one step, and ineligible the next. Querying is the cornerstone of ECS: changes to entity-component composition implicitly changes game behavior. In addition, the isolation of game logic into systems makes your game world easier to debug and provides a clear target for performance and unit tests.

    Queries are created with the createQuery function, which accepts one or more schemas. This list of schemas is called a selector.

    import { createQuery } from "@javelin/ecs"
    const bodies = createQuery(Position, Velocity)

    There are two ways to iterate a query. The first (and fastest) way is to iterate the query directly with a for..of loop:

    const physics = () => {
      for (const [entities, [positions, velocities]] of bodies) {
        for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
          positions[i].x += velocities[i].x
          positions[i].y += velocities[i].y

    Although fast, this method of iteration leaks the implementation details of how components are stored in archetypes. An outer for..of loop iterates through each matching archetype, while an inner loop accesses components for each matching entity. If your game doesn't reach extremely high entity counts and you don't mind a 5x iteration performance hit, consider using the function form of a query:

    const physics = () =>
      bodies((entity, [position, velocity]) => {
        position.x += velocity.x
        position.y += velocity.y

    Binding Queries#

    By default, queries will resolve entities and components of the world that is currently mid-step. If you need to run a query against a specific world (i.e., outside of a system), you can bind a query to a specific world using the bind method:

    // Always executes against `world`
    bodies.bind(world)(entity => {})

    You can use a query's test method to check if an entity would match that query.

    world.attachImmediate(entity, [component(Position), component(Velocity)])
    bodies.test(entity) // -> true

    Result Ordering#

    The order of component types in a query's selector will match the order of components in the query's results. That is, createQuery(Position, Player) always yields tuples of (Position, Player):

    world.create(component(Player), component(Position))
    world.create(component(Position), component(Player))
    const render = () =>
      players((entity, [position, player]) => {
        // render each player with a name tag
        drawSprite(sprites.player, position)
        drawText(, position)

    Query Caveats#

    The tuple of components yielded by queries is re-used each iteration. This means that you shouldn't store the results of a query for use later like this:

    const results = []
    shocked((entity, components) => results.push(components))

    Every index of results references the same array, which is the tuple of components attached to the entity of the last iteration. If you absolutely need to store components between queries (e.g. you're optimizing a nested query), you could push the components of interest into a temporary array, e.g.

    const results = []
    shocked((entity, [a, b]) => results.push([a, b]))