Systems are typically pure, as they only read/modify the components of queried entities. However, as your game grows, you may want a system to trigger behavior in a different system. For example, you may write a physics system that wraps a third-party library whose methods you'd like to expose to other physics-interested systems.
Topics facilitate a way to do this without resorting to global state, unlike global effects.
Inter-System Communication#
Let's say you want to apply an impulse to a physics body when a player jumps so it gains some momentum in a direction. One way of doing this is to model the operation as a component.
const Impulse = {
x: number,
y: number,
When you need to apply a impulse to an entity, you insert an Impulse
component on the current tick, and remove it on the following tick.
const sysInput = ({ attach, detach }: World) => {
qryJumping(entity => attach(entity, component(Impulse)))
qryWithImpulse((entity, [impulse]) => detach(entity, impulse))
const sysPhysics = () => {
qryWithImpulse((entity, [impulse]) => {
const body = getBodyByEntity(entity)
physicsEngine.applyImpulseLocal(body, impulse)
This will work fine for a small game; however, there are a couple of problems with this approach as you scale to more complex games:
- Adding and removing components in an archetypal ECS is slow
- Your physics system must wait until the next tick to detect the newly attached impluse component
Topics are simple FIFO buffers that hold on to messages between ticks that can be used to signal events or expose an RPC-like API to a system.
Topics are created using the createTopic<T>()
function, where T
is the type (e.g. a union type) of message managed by the topic. The createTopic
function is defined in topic.ts.
import { createTopic, Entity } from "@javelin/ecs"
type ImpulseCommand = [type: "impulse", entity: Entity, force: [number, number]]
const physicsTopic = createTopic<ImpulseCommand>()
Messages are enqueued using the topic.push()
const message: ImpulseCommand = ["impulse", 23, [0, 2]]
Messages are unavailable until the topic.flush()
method is called. You can call flush()
manually, or you can configure your world to do it automatically with the topics
topics: [physicsTopic],
Messages can then be read using a for..of loop.
import { physicsTopic } from "./physics_topic"
const sysPhysics = () => {
for (const command of physicsTopic) {
if (command[0] === "impulse") {
const body = getBodyByEntity(command[1])
physicsEngine.applyImpulseLocal(body, command[2])
Immediate Processing#
Sometimes messages should be handled as quickly as possible, like when processing user input. topic.pushImmediate
will push a message into the topic for immediate processing.
physicsTopic.pushImmediate(["impulse", 24, [0, 2]])